InfoPro was established in 1997. InfoPro stands for Information Provider. The company's mission is to deliver information. The company has identified the delivery of timely and accurate information as a niche market. InfoPro has established three activities: (1) an international quality publishing house of business titles, (2) a leading market and business research firm and An economic research center. InfoPro is currently a group of around 60 full-time employees and a dozen part-time staff. It produces more than 25 products and services. Its sales have steadily grown each year. It has developed skills in advertising sales, subscription and book sales, content generation, digital products, and research to leading businesses in a variety of fields. It has won the trust of more than 1,000 advertisers, more than 10,000 subscribers, tens of thousands of readers and dozens of research clients. InfoPro has earned a reputation for dependable information, ethical business practice, and of being a good corporate citizen. InfoPro's debut came with the publishing of Lebanon Opportunities, which has become the country's leading business magazine. The success of Lebanon Opportunities has opened the door to the publishing of several information-based magazines and reference books. InfoPro was successful in developing a strong advertising department generating a sizeable percentage of the company’s income. An outbound call center was also established that sells thousands of subscriptions and books each year. The company publishes الإقتصاد اللبناني والعربي the official magazine of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount-Lebanon, and co-publishes with MAZARS La Revue, a tax and legal reference publication. It also publishes Properties, Easy Banking, and other print and digital-based publications. The company has an established market research division operating under InfoPro Research. It is a leading provider of research to many business sectors, including banking, insurance, construction, and technologies. It services most large and medium size companies in Lebanon. It has also established the InfoPro Center for Economic Information as an NGO which publishes economic and business data and information, undertakes studies, and provides support to the public sector and other NGOs. Finally, InfoPro’s Business Development Services division offers financial consultancy and training.