AltCity was designed from the bottom up to help facilitate, mobilize, encourage, and support high impact entrepreneurship and innovation in Lebanon and the region. AltCity believes in a world where all people -- regardless of their location, financial resources, or passport -- have the opportunity to make and do amazing things, challenge themselves, and improve the world we live in. The AltCity team is working towards this by enabling and supporting a strong and dynamic social innovation and social entrepreneurship community - both locally and globally - especially around core themes of media, technology, and design. While AltCity is a social impact venture working on maximizing social impact and community engagement (not a profit-maximizing venture), it is working intensely to make the project sustainable and scalable through a diversity of revenue streams. It is hence happy to reach out to the global community through initiatives such as crowdfunding efforts, grants, donations, and sponsorship support. AltCity is insistent, however, on not being fully dependent on any of those financial streams. A core part of AltCity's approach is to look for ways to generate revenue through various elements of the space, activities, and services, while at the same time making sure that it doesn't exclude any person or project based on financial limitations. For people, groups, or initiatives that have financial limitations, it is possible to "purchase" things through various activities that add value to the community, such as volunteering at the space or organizing workshops, events, mentoring, etc. AltCity will also soon be launching a community currency, the alt¢red, to support the growing AltCity community and to make the services and supports that it offers accessible to a broader group of people.