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Attahri, Bernoussi, Azariz And Greendizer

Greendizer is an innovative startup that has developed a free invoice management platform. The company was co-founded in Morocco, a country seeing like many MENA countries a flurry of new and exciting technology startups emerging from what seems like... nowhere, by Mohamed Attahri, Hamza Bernoussi, and Amine Azariz. The startup has set its mind to revolutionize invoicing (not the sexiest business segment on planet Earth but one worth billions of dollars), enticing users to go green with paperless services, an open source approach, and a sleek interface. By offering its groundbreaking service for free, Greendizer intends to attract an otherwise untapped market, pulling in customers who want to try out this new type of invoicing for the first time. Rising quickly on the back of the Moroccan and French markets, Greendizer has its sights on a broader audience and feels that their service has an edge over the international competition. If so, Morocco could rapidly become a new "startup hub" not only in the MENA region but beyond...