These numbers were, respectively, 8.1 per cent and 8.6 per cent higher as compared to 2011. Nigel Sillitoe, CEO of Insight Discovery, said: “We agree with the general consensus that private banking is developing more rapidly in the GCC than in established markets such as Europe and North America. “Moreover, it is clear that Dubai has emerged as the regional hub for the provision of private banking (and related) services to HNWIs. For a number of valid reasons, many of the private banks serve their clients in the GCC region through their offices in other international financial centres (IFCs). Therefore, it will be interesting to see how Dubai and the other centres in the GCC region, which have ambitions in private banking, evolve over time.” The study also found that 24 out of the 61 banks are targeting non-resident Indians (NRIs) and non-resident Pakistanis (NRPs), while around a quarter are eyeing clients from Saudi Arabia or the Levant. In terms of staff, numbers vary from one or two to over 50. However, only two private banks of the 61 employ more than 50 private bankers in the region, added the report.

GCC Has 61 Private Banks According To New Report
These numbers were, respectively, 8.1 per cent and 8.6 per cent higher as compared to 2011. Nigel Sillitoe, CEO of Insight Discovery, said: “We agree with the general consensus that private banking is developing more rapidly in the GCC than in established markets such as Europe and North America. “Moreover, it is clear that Dubai has emerged as the regional hub for the provision of private banking (and related) services to HNWIs. For a number of valid reasons, many of the private banks serve their clients in the GCC region through their offices in other international financial centres (IFCs). Therefore, it will be interesting to see how Dubai and the other centres in the GCC region, which have ambitions in private banking, evolve over time.” The study also found that 24 out of the 61 banks are targeting non-resident Indians (NRIs) and non-resident Pakistanis (NRPs), while around a quarter are eyeing clients from Saudi Arabia or the Levant. In terms of staff, numbers vary from one or two to over 50. However, only two private banks of the 61 employ more than 50 private bankers in the region, added the report.